30 October 2010

Homecoming Pt. 2 ;-)

Ok - so Olivia was mortified that all her little bros and sis were in full Halloween costume just before her date was about to show up..... Anyway - I got a good photo :-).

Tonight was great - beautiful kids - beautiful outfits - HUGE limo - pretty fall foliage in the background - lots of laughter .... They will have SUCH a good time. I'm told they will do photos on Mt. Washington - have dinner - have an after party at a friend's house (and I know I'll get texts all night long AND I'm also sure that plans will change and then some.... all part of the "magic" ;-).

All good. Lovely evening.

1 comment:

AngryBaker said...

I think you should have joined the kids. Now a mom in costume before homecoming, that would be reallllly embarrassing.