23 May 2010

Morning at our house...

Sunday mornings are pancakes, bacon and coffee. We watch CBS Sunday Morning, and we wrangle kids (don't hit your brother, who spilled syrup?, you can have juice NOT orange soda, etc.). Mornings are NOT quiet in our house - not restful - not organized, but... they are OUR mornings. Anyway, here are some photos - Morning in our bedroom and hubby and I and our kids in our "Sunday best" :-).

Thoughts and prayers today to the many friends and family members going through difficult times today. It has been an odd week - news of surgeries, terrible illnesses and other traumatic events. It has all sort of made me reflect on way back when my Milo was in the NICU as a newborn. A nun (Sister Lisa :-) asked us if we wanted her to pray for Milo before his surgery (he was in renal failure - though his problem had been identified and it was going to be solved - thankfully). Anyway, I listened to her - as I sat there, surrounded by other worried parents and babies far sicker than mine - some who wouldn't make it, and I noted that she did not pray for recovery. As a religious person, of course, she asked for Jesus to be with Milo on his journey, wherever that would take him. She was young and approachable and so sincere. And... as I sat there, a worried parent, a lifetime skeptic raised in a deeply religious environment, I thought it is interesting how we are all united in helplessness as well as the desire to help - to offer support and comfort to those who so need someone to lean on or to tell them that, whatever happens, it will be OK. So... send good thoughts - no matter what you believe or don't believe.... to those who need your support or comfort of any kind. Even take 30 seconds today to do that. My two cents... again.... take it for what it's worth....

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