Today, after wrestling my little ones into their clothes - prepared to attend and enjoy the school mass, I sort of marveled that, this morning, they all happily ate nutritious breakfasts, wanted to get dressed and, moreover, cheerfully waved good-bye to one another - in fact, maintained an odd morning calm that I have not felt in a while. I mean, I still had to rush and manipulate and act more "down to business" than warm and fuzzy in order to get out the door, but... all in all... OK.
In church, I saw Enzo's big eyes looking at me over the church pew - his dimples when he smiled. I could tell he was trying to exhibit a combination of the calm reverence that he was told he should and the excitement that this honor - carrying the prayer box with big sis, his principal and a valued teacher - up to the priest - on his 5oth anniversary!!! - made him feel. An honor, he told me :-). Big sis, Olivia, sat enjoying her friends as usual, and she seemed to have a little sense of pride in being responsible for Enzo, directing him where to go, making him feel comfortable. It was so sweet. I was sitting with a friend, and she even got a lump in her throat. Enzo looked so small, and Olivia has grown up so much.
The whole mass was really a celebration of children, relationships and community. The priest, handing out communion to the masses, looked right at home - his little pilgrims filing to greet him, as they had for so many years. The little ones first - then ... the big kids - even those leaving the school after so long. It was really touching.
I did feel a sense of tradition today. A sense of families long committed to church, community, school, friends. The trying with the triumphant - the sad with the happy. It felt good and ... reminded me to take more deep breaths - to pause more - to focus on what I have and that what I have is good.
I wore my Dad's ring today - I'll call my Mom to tell her all about it. It's a truly satisfying feeling.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about his today. I even had it on my calendar, which I didn't look at until 10 am. Would loved to have seen Enzo and Olivia!
You've been there for so many events for them (the roses in this photo are those that you gave Olivia for confirmation :-). Enzo still hasn't gotten over that he didn't see Eli's baptism. I should have brought him.... he wasn't the sick one that day.... I just thought Milo would get jealous.... It is so hard to fit it all in...
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