Two noteworthy yukky things today - on my radar, anyway.
First, I am sort of disgusted and angry about this... Lately, I have gotten some really crappy, bad quality, gone bad, rotten stuff from my local Trader Joe's. As you know, I love them, but... twice recently, we got really stale bread and rolls. Most recently, stale cookies and meat that had gone bad - chemical smell on the burger meat - really gross (and I have kids - two who love cheeseburgers, so...). This would be the second time for the latter. First time a number of months ago, I thought was a fluke. Also - had gotten some bad produce around that time - lettuce, beans, asparagus, pineapple. Usually, I buy totally fresh, but sometimes, it is easy to grab pre-cut stuff to feed to kids in the car or whatever, and ... because I look closely at it - assess it - was a little freaked that it looked fine (so must have been deliberately packaged to look OK, obviously - granted, yesterday I was distracted, but that brings up another important point - should I REALLY have to look that closely to make sure my food is not rotten or dangerous in a nationally respected chain???). Not sure what to think. I know it happens. Got some nasty stuff from Giant Eagle before too - both produce and meat products (chicken, ground meat). Very scary on some levels, though. A friend did tell me that she noticed Trader Joe's packs and sells meat weeks apart - she, apparently, feels it should be taken off the shelf given the package date on it. Anyway... what do I know? Since we're in sharing mode, however, was wondering if anyone had similar issues. It does make me angry. It is a bad feeling to see, right in front of you, that our food supply for our families is not safe. Appalling in this country where we can do better. There are people in other countries who have no choice, which is sad and unfair, and... are we really the people going to help these other places if we can be this irresponsible on occasion? Again, I'm reminded of my Oscar post and the documentary on US food safety - Food, Inc.... many people do get sick or die each year because of this type of negligence.
And second in my short list of "gross" for the day... Rielle Hunter, John Edward's nasty mistress. What a crazy slut (I'm keeping it PG here despite what I want to say). Hubby was laughing the other day over her "sexy" photo shoot; he said she was trying to be all "come-hither" in a man's shirt and pearls (we watch The Today Show :-), but there were like Dora dolls and Kermit the Frog stuffed animals all around her. I saw them today (again, on the Today Show - not going to buy or pick up the rag she's in), and - yeah, they're funny (I'm a bit shocked that this was done by GQ Magazine). She's not very pretty anyway (and I don't care about looks, truly - I mean, have you seen the size of my nose? I have perspective), so... her face looks ridiculous - those thin, wrinkly lips pursed together like she's some sort of centerfold - that ugly yellow straw hair. THEN... she poses pants-less with her two year old daughter. Priceless - and... disgusting. And... I'm sure the "sexy" shots in the kid's room were supposed to imply the scandalous affair and, thereby, entice readers, but.. come on (and, apparently, Ms. Hunter is horrified by the photos herself - well.. then... why the @#%@ did you pose?!?!). We all knew when the story first broke that she was known for this type of behavior and was enamored of money and fame. This ridiculous woman had the nerve to question Elizabeth Edward's story about how she found out (John didn't tell her - it was another dramatic cell phone dispute a la Tiger Woods - puhleeeze....) - PLUS she disses her in her "interview", saying she has a mighty wrath Really? Some women would have come at you with a machete, think about it, Ms. Cheesey Face / Ugly Hair (yeah - I just resorted to nonsensical playground name-calling - seems appropriate here). And ... truly ... I'm at a loss - I mean, Elizabeth was lied to, she has terminal cancer, she was publicly humiliated, her kids had to see it all - I think she handled it all really well. That poor little girl (Francis - Quinn ???)- crazy, crazy mother and disloyal, corrupt father. Normally, I don't pay attention to such crap, but... this is just TOO MUCH!
Day beckons (it is one on one with Lil today :-). No photo. Didn't want to post anything "gross", so... see you next time (and, as always, thanks for all the banter, all).
The legend of 3M's invisible electrostatic wall
6 hours ago
Reading expiration labels makes my trip to TJ's waaay too long. If you tell a shelf-stocker that something is expired, you usually get a dirty look for doing so. I default to frozen fruit and make smoothies for the gang. Lousy produce seems to be the norm during the winter here - no matter where I shop. Meats should be above and beyond SAFE. Ugh.
The Hunter thing is almost too too vile to comment on, but I would encourage her to wear pants for future interviews/photo shoots.
Yeah - the meat thing BUGS me. I, too, point out expiration dates and know it will probably just be returned to the shelves - as would the package I return. I, too, do the frozen peas, beans, blueberries, etc. - much better all winter, but... some of the bad produce I allude to was during the summer when I didn't have the extra hour to go to the farmer's market or fight the parking lot at Whole Foods. I think I'm just discouraged over customer service and quality, in general, lately. Like - both our insurance co. and our mortgage co. screwed us on things that could have been avoided had they been... um .... doing their jobs.... BUT I digress (again)....
Yeah, gross to both of these! I recently bought a beautiful red bell pepper, then got it home and it was moldy on the inside! Sometimes, food can be deceiving, especially produce. I love Publix because they offer their own organic, generic line and always put customer service first. They are on every corner down here, but I think they are only a southern store. Don't remember seeing them north of the Carolinas. BTW...the word verification below is "lofur." Definately describes my day today!
"Lofur" - title of your next post, maybe????
I have to disagree with your perspective on the Edwards triangle. Imagine you are with a man and find your self pregnant and he denies the whole affair. Imagine you are that child, the person whose father denied you. He wants to win at all costs and uses his wife's breat cancer to get pity votes. 70percent of men cheat or something like that so that being said why did he not just admit his fault and not deny his own child. As a society we forgave the Kennedy's and Bill Clinton. Like we would care. He would do anything including deny his own blood. Hunter is getting back at him with a vengence. That is why she took those pictures, she want to humiliate him for saying he loved her and then abandoned her in a time of need. Hey we all can screw up but own up to it and by no means scew up a life in the mean time. Maybe she could be a little classier but that is no the point, he is not the victim nor his wife. The child is a victim. He should be able to consider the Edwards children his loving half siblings and I hope they get past it in order for him.
Oh, I love your diatribe about Trader Joes. That happens to me at Aldi's so I stopped going.
I love this blogging!
Totally agree about the child - she should be acknowledged - absolutely (as a legally adopted child, I have been shunned by family, so.. hits close to home). And - normally - I don't judge the parents of children regarding how they came together, why the family is blended, etc. (as you know - had my own hurdles with getting in-laws on board with the "blended family" thing - and appreciate everyday that my oldest is happily accepted by all), but I do feel SO bad for this kid - what a scandal - what a mess - SUCH bad decisions. But - yes - she should NEVER suffer for it. I do think Hunter is a freak - just an opportunistic, 40-ish "I want a baby", "I want some recognition" freak. You're probably right - she is trying to humiliate him, in part, and... remind him of his responsibilities, in part (I mean - who knows - maybe he did say he loved her, etc.). I'm sure Elizabeth is, at times, not an easy woman either - look at her fortitude - her viper-ish comebacks, but... when she needed people around her, she was, basically, betrayed - flat out. No one in the situation - but John Edwards - deserves the... well... situation... but... let's all show some decorum - know what I mean? Hunter isn't the only one hurt and disappointed (and, when I screw up, I admit it - she should too - though I do think she is out there right now totally alone - not sure if I can agree with "abandoned" - um.. I guess partly - mostly just on her own now - that is abundantly clear... and sad).
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