I need to GET OUT MORE. With friends, that is. When I'm invited to a book club, to breakfast, to a fundraiser, etc., I need TO GO. I always PLAN to go - and REALLY plan. If it's an evening outing, I do all the requisite "feed the kids" - "pull the beds down" - " get everyone in jammies" - Hopefully, have halfway done my hair (and by that, I mean washed and prepped for curling and / or straigtening iron or just applied some funky edgy product ;-) - put on some make-up - know what I'm going to wear. Morning outings are actually trickier because breakfast is always dicey - ongoing in that my kids are fickle and don't know what they want or if they're even hungry - getting dressed is like a wrestling match - and... well.... the kiddies expect to be entertained, so... I need to get them directed, and I need to touch base with Olivia on what she needs while I'm gone in the way of rides, money, support in any other way :-).
Usually, I don't make it out. Either I get all my prep work done and look and feel like crap, so I pass. OR.... someone is not going to bed or has a tantrum or a potty accident, and... I'm stuck - have to spend another large amount of time on clean-up or consolation duty. Then.... of course..... I'm late.
It occurs to me.... that.... um... I need to delegate more. While I do get support from hubby and others on occasion, I realize that not everyone knows where I keep all the clean jammies - how the boys like their beds pulled down - how far we got in the library book read of the night the day before - what is allowed at snack time - who wears underwear and who wears a pull-up outside to play - where they are allowed to play on their own outside - what games do and do not work when the two year old is around - what leg we are on the lacrosse carpool - how much spending money is appropriate for a middle school shopping outing - does she need money for lunch when she plays tennis at the club or is the snack bar even open - ?????????? More. Obviously. AND - obviously, I need to let go a bit. AND - I need to begin sharing more detail-oriented directives, I guess. I'll get there. I just get so caught up in it all - CEO of the home and all :-).
I also NEED TO STOP asking people if they are upset and / or angry with me. My intentions are always good, and... it always seems to be the people close to me in the family who INTENSELY dislike this. Eyes narrowed, body language stiff and turned away, they tersely tell me "no" - they are not, in fact, angry, then.... proceed to become angry. I have a short list of two people, currently, who do this. Many times, they are frazzled by morning routine, screaming kids, too much homework, too much workday - whatever. I, too, am stressed. When my carefully prepared dinner, clean laundry, packed lunches or all forms and bills ready and waiting to go where they need to - not to mention my cheerful greetings or good-byes are ignored or totally fall flat, I don't sulk - I start investigating, and... as a result.... seem to upset those closest to me. I'm going to stop. I mean it. I'm done.
Off now to work on juice pops with my little ones (M & L). We are using the Zoku Quick Pop Maker - instantly (well - in five minutes or so) freezes what you pour into it. Today was an orange, banana, strawberry juice smoothie mix. Turned out great .... easy -though you can't use too much juice, and... we haven't gotten creative with fruit slices or anything yet .... but the warm weather juice pop season is just starting. We are on a roll!
While we're all still sharing - any idea how to get a kid to transition coats for the season when he doesn't want to? My kindergarten guy has been told all winter that if he doesn't have boots, hat, gloves and heavy coat, he can't go outside, so.... he STILL wants to wear that everyday now. He sweats. He is the only one in a ski jacket. Help. While we're on the kindergarten subject - today is "S" for show n tell, so... we sent in a shield (better than a sword), so... maybe I should start a segment called "concern of the day" :-). Yikes.
Two trivial bits of news as I close... my alma mater, Ohio University, beat Georgetown in basketball last night. Way to go, OU! And, apparently, Sandra Bullock's husband cheated on her and now says "he deserves every bad thing that is coming his way". How noble (and, of course, I NEVER use sarcasm).
Photo: A collection of photos taped to my bedroom mirror (the antique dresser that I've been working on for years - new knobs, etc.) - the top one is Marcello and I on our wedding day, and the other photos are, basically, what happened that following year - Enzo's birth (a polaroid I took from my Mom's house because I remember my Dad taking the picture - I mean, looking at my smile now, my newborn - I can still see my Dad standing there, smiling, with his camera :-) - our trip to Paris, the beach, NYC (all self-portraits, of course - it was funny, we were so used to squeezing three of us into the frame - me, Marcello, Olivia - that getting baby Enzo in was quite a feat - a new perspective ;-). Did I mention it is OUR ANNIVERSARY on Sunday :-)? 21 March - we got married on a Sunday - 6 years now. Going out tonight, and... we'll see what the rest of the weekend brings.
Go out tonight, don't worry if the kids are bathed or even in jammies...let them go to bed dirty and have fun celebrating! They will only get dirty again tomorrow. :) Go Cats!!!!
Yeah - go Cats! Can you believe it? What an upset! Celebrate that tonight too ;-).....
I say if you have care you are comfortable with, then go out and try to let go. We really need to find someone or we may never go on a date again (or at least until our kid is 12)!
I hear ya Sherri.... I always have the best of intentions. However, I have started MAKING myself get sitters and go out and it has been fun (50% of the time :) ). I always get caught up in the idea that it is so much work to prepare to go out that I might as well stay home.
On another note, have you ever been to the Boden warehouse sale in Pittston, PA? I'm thinking of going this year. I've heard that the deals are amazing. the $98 coat that I bought Ella this year was seen for $10!!!! If you've been let me know....... I'd like to hear your thoughts.
oops.... it posted as Anon..... it's Jen (Clark!!)
Facie - my daughter is 14 but very well-acquainted with younger kids, having 3 little ones to deal with all the time - if you're interested.... she's a reliable babysitter (can email me anytime sherriknight@gmail.com) - and has equally responsible friends....
And - knew it was you, Jen - as soon as you said Ella and Mini Boden :-). I have not been to the warehouse.... would be interested in checking it out (Nordstrom is carrying such a limited amt of their line, and... I see it online more so than in the actual store :-(. Is it a scheduled sale or an ongoing thing? I'll have to make a note to get back to you on this....
Hey all - that above comment is ME (Sherri, the annoying trendy mom herself :-)- posted as anonymous.... What is going on? Hope it stops or we'll all be "anonymous" all the time ....
The warehouse sale is a scheduled thing. This year it is on April 10th from 12-4. I've heard the lines are crazy, but worth it. It's a 4 hour drive so if it's not REALLY worth it then I don't want to go! I saw it at Nordstrom, but I feel like it's cheaper to order on their website because they always over 10-15% off plus free shipping and returns. Also saw Hanna Andersson there........
Hmmm... I may have a more knowledgeable source on the warehouse thing.... a more retail-savvy friend.... will investigate and report back.....
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