Another earthquake - this time in a remote area of China, affecting rural farmers - near Tibet. Just awful. Scary.
And... this is a bit old.... a blog entry from a couple of months ago... in it, this writer muses about how it might be better to be a teen mom or younger mom at that - citing such reasons as (and I'm paraphrasing) - "you could have the kids - get it out of the way then focus on your wants, needs, career, etc." - She also claims that older women always have compromised fertility - more problems, etc. I do differ with this on many levels. First, I've been pregnant in my 20s, 30s - know MANY people having kids in their 40s. In my 2os, I have to say, I did know a number of people who had complications with pregnancies - and, it was my hardest c-section (the easiest were my last two). None of my older friends had trouble getting pregnant; if they did, it was a condition that existed in their teens and twenties as well - they just didn't realize until they went to have kids. One of doctors told me that many young mothers have problems in their pregnancies; they think it might be because they are still "adolescent" themselves, gaining weight, growing an inch or so, body shapes changing - well into their early 20s, leaving unborn babies vulnerable to other issues (and, most of the babies, when we were in the NICU with Milo's kidney issue, were children of very young mothers - though not all, obviously). And.... is this author really suggesting that we have to either have kids or a career? Since my slew of kids was born, I find myself getting more creative with career options as does my hubby - seems more opportunities present if you're active in your creative pursuits. Our kids are still our biggest priority. Anyway... read and weigh in if you'd like :-). But ... I urge you to view this before you do :-).
Have to confess something.... while waiting for Glee (yes, I love it), I watched Dancing with the Stars with my middle schooler (actually, was sucked in my a fantastic performance by The New York City Ballet - and, I feel bad, I forget the choreographer - and Nuttin but Stringz), and, man, is that funny or what? I have to say, the professional dancers are great to watch - very talented - some of the "stars" who join them are good too, but... when they are bad, they are BAD (Kate Gosselin ;-(. But I way digress......
Going to see The Hold Steady tonight.... should be fun. No photo today; just some ranting... ;-)
The legend of 3M's invisible electrostatic wall
5 hours ago
I love Glee, too! And I don't watch Dancing with the Stars but I HAD to tune in last night just because I'd heard how hard Kate Gosselin sucks. She's awful!
And I think older moms are less selfish moms. They're not as focused on "but what about ME?"
Same here about Kate G. - like rubber necking a train wreck with her - can't help myself ;-).
I think it's better to have children when we are older simply because we are more mature and have lived more life. But, I actually did have to quit my job to raise my son. He was often sick and my job was unpredictable. I couldn't do both well. My soul and spirit were being sucked dry. There are days when I am really pissed off about the sacrifices I had to make for my family. I have no regrets but sometimes I still feel a little bitter that my husband's career is soaring and mine is dead. Then I get a hug and a "mommy I love you" and realize how important Max is in this universe.
I, too, had to leave my job for my kids - four total - three right in a row - one with kidney issues.... I totally understand the "soul and spirit being sucked dry" - just unbelievably difficult sometimes - even with my measly freelance and fundraising work - NOTHING left for me, but... I do get the VERY meaningful "I love yous" as well and.... kinda don't care that my husband has left me behind in a business we used to share somewhat .... other days, I can't help but care....
DWTS is my guilty pleasure...that and SYTYCD. Easy to get sucked into both. Ron acts like "oh, your show is on," but he even has his opinions and has been known to call in a vote or two. :) I don't vote...just sort of a dance show stalker.
There are a lot of babies in the NICU with very young mothers, but I tend to think this is more due to poor prenatal care. I think the right age to have kids is different for everyone. I do think I have a better perspective on parenting now that I am almost 40, but that may just be from experience and not necessarily chronological age. Some days, I still feel I have a lot to learn!
My word verification today is "bornics." Irony?
I agree, Kim - in fact, I just told a friend of mine, pregnant over 40, who is afraid of "all that can go wrong" that I think it is experience and attitude that get you through it all - pregnancy, infancy, toddler years, etc. - age, often, has nothing to do with it. I do wonder, though, if the very young parents (21 and under) are prepared at all for what they are about to experience.... I grew up a lot just between the ages of 21 and 25, so... can't help but wonder.....
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