But ... I do know this -
That Lilliana is mad at me this morning for not allowing her to go to school with the boys.
That this has been SOME week - Olivia served 7 am mass everyday - I have 8th grade graduation stuff to coordinate - I chaperoned an ALL DAY field trip for kindergarten (GREAT to spend time with my Enzo - just the sweetest little boy) - I contributed to a teacher breakfast - need to assist with a book fair - I have had two mommy and me gymnastics classes - two well dr. visits - one missed ortho appointment (calling to apologize and reschedule this am) - I have my editing project to continue - hubby has been working late - the lacrosse schedule is strange this week - ugh - I have to stop...
That I get peeved when I leave a specific note for a babysitter and this person ignores the note - feeds my kids crap - lets them watch Spongebob Squarepants marathons - lets them rummage through the junk we pulled out of storage unit and are organizing for Good Will - dresses them in their pajama tops and a semi-suitable bottom for the day - leaves the house a mess - let's the two year old play with real lacrosse balls - let's the four year old litter the deck and backyard with granola bar and lollipop wrappers - lets both of them dig up our newly mulched and planted perennial garden... More. Family members are, apparently, the worst offenders (disclaimers: Writer is aware that she needs to "let things slide" a little more AND deal with her own OCD ;-). Offender has long history of pushing writer and others to the end of the tolerance rope and is enjoying a "bite your tongue" comeback with this particular writer / "kvetcher" :-).
That I am really looking forward to planting, sitting in the sun, taking the boys to swimming lessons, hanging out on balmy, warm mornings with Lil, having Olivia around more often - just... summer, I guess.
That I am trying to "live in the moment" more.
I know all this as I walk the garbage to the curb, wearing my baggy yoga pants, lacy red pj top, William and Mary hoodie, Adidas flip flops - smelling of coffee and baby lotion, my diaper-clad toddler tags along, the Jetta holding all my boys takes off for school, The Today Show glows through the front window of my house - a bunch of really PINK old Barbie stuff (was Olivia's) sits on my deck, waiting to be played with again after years in storage (and Lilliana is obliging :-). Any house in any neighborhood on any street - same scene. Only this is my life. Some days it seems remarkable - other days just ordinary. I like the up and down. It soothes me - makes me think something exciting is just around the corner - but something comfortable is mine now.
Since I just had a bit of a temper tantrum, thought I'd share this very good review of the Green Day (if you're my age, you do have a soft spot for them - whether you want to or not)-inspired musical, "American Idiot" (presumably named after the album - am I being obvious here? brain fry this week.... see above) - in which, I believe, words like "punk" and "temper" are peppered throughout... Anyway.... here it is.
How's your week going? Oh - and happy Earth Day :-).
I know I hurt my leg from running too much , of course, one week bfore the marathon. And I know this, I too am looking forward to hanging out at the pool and just being with my kids and not being places with them. I crave a whole lot of nothing lately.
That field trip was fun, sorry you were in the "other" parent group. I would have liked to hang out a little. I know so much in the online world. Maybe at the pool.
Looking forward to the pool this year ... first time in a long time that I won't be chasing a baby one way - a toddler the other - and still a preschooler another..... Down to one toddler and preschooler - feeling more streamlined :-). Yeah -the field trip was fun - I like talking to Jeannemarie - just that one ....um "nazi mom".... yikes...
Oh Man, now you have me curious about the "Nazi mom"....
Seriously, Thank you to you 2 and all the parents who chaperoned. Sophie enjoyed it and was totally, nodding-off-on-the-couch beat last night.
You know... I guess I should be "kinder" - she means well - just is very liberal with her reprimands of the class, and... um ... for someone high-strung like me - gets on my nerves a bit.....
Your Sophie was so cute - hung out with my Enzo a bit - I have pictures - I'll email them soon (gotta download) - I think they all had a good time - a lot of playing and A LOT of walking too....
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