10 February 2010

Still no school ...

... and Marcello's trip to Philly / NY area was canceled. He's working from home again today, which is not going so well - kids fighting (though Olivia did sleepover at a far more interesting house, I'm sure - no babies - just older kids :-) - bored because the movie we bought on Verizon Fios yesterday doesn't work - in fact, our FIOS is out entirely - like we can get a channel but we can't change the channel.... not good (though it was supposed to be resolved by 10 am, so I guess I should go "reset"). Baby Lil usually interferes with our games, and... inside for a whole week... she definitely wants to be included, so... I'm trying to figure out what to do that everyone can do together - know what I mean? Temp a little cold to play in snow. We'll probably bake again :-). Just as well cuz ... there is nothing good on the menu for dinner because the store was sold out of some of what we needed. Anyway .... on the bright side, we're resting, sleeping in, getting school projects done, hanging together a bit, getting organized (well - sort of - damage control on a house inhabited by bored, snowed in kids is a full time job)....

Anyway .... stay inside - stay warm...... all us East Coast leaning people :-). Let's see - on the bright side..... um..... did see, for all you Bravo Top Chef fans that Season 2 of "The Masters" starts soon - off the top of my head - I remember /recognize Wylie Defresne, Ludo Lefebvre, the chef from Tru in Chicago - anyway, check out the link to the SERIOUS EATS blog on my page - get all the info. there ....

And - finally - WPXI is showing that Pittsburgh Public Schools are off tomorrow too, so... if you follow their lead, like we do.... you are home AGAIN (hopefully, our kids will have the fond memories of snow days like we all do from back in the day :-). Others off too. Hmmm... maybe we should all start a little chat on what to do when all your creative play ideas have been exhausted - ??? ;-).

How's that for a little bit of a diversion?


AngryBaker said...

Yes, all of this creative time and snow play is making the house a gigantic mess. let it go Mendy, let it go....

AngryBaker said...

Forgot to say, I caught an episode of America's Worst Cooks. Brilliant! Have you guys been watching?

Sherri said...

I have been watching.... Ashamed and happy to report... watched through to the end one day.....;-)