A Starbucks latte this morning - wore a favorite sweater (and my hair looked OK) - money to school for Haiti fundraiser - a get to know you chat with Enzo's kindergarten teacher over steamy mugs on the chilly playground while the class played - Milo had a good day at preschool - Lilliana ("i had fun, mommy") enjoyed play group (and has begun drinking her juice and eating all her "good eater" foods again after a lull) - a friendly, chatty, helpful trip to Whole Foods (came home and like... became a fan on Facebook immediately - I'm such a loser) - spent time midday with hubby - talked exciting gift ideas for Olivia's b-day - had a fun chat with Olivia after school (she is usually proud when I am enmeshed in such projects as teacher breakfast organization, lunch for confirmation class, help with school pasta dinner, etc.) - had hot soup and crusty baguette for an early dinner - Enzo knocked my socks off with his "spelling" exercise tonight (and, of course, Olivia is on honor roll - makes her happy so makes me happy) - fed little ones waffles, bacon and juice on trays fireside late pm (actually got a "hip, hip hooray for mommy!") - and.... looking forward to an actual warm, steamy shower (instead of the 60 sec. wash self quickly types reminiscent of either prison or when I used to swim in high school and had 5 min. to shower, dress and get to class).
When you start counting the good... it is easy to forget the bad (the finger cut while making waffles - sure saw hubby midday but he's got a meeting over beers and hotdogs at Ds tonight and I'll probably just watch Food Network after the "dinner, bed, bathtime" routine on my own :-) - Lilliana is currently engaged in some maddening water play that leaves dangerous puddles throughout the house - Yin and Yang, right? - but.... I digress ;-).
Photo: My laid back Enzo found two eggs on his Easter egg hunt last year and he was so proud. He didn't realize that everyone else had like 2o or 30 in their baskets. Simple pleasures...
This post put a smile on my face. No, you are not a loser for being excited about Whole Foods! Love that place. Your day sounded blissful and who doesn't want to hear "Hip Hip Hooray, Mommy?" Ah, and a long shower...your comment about prison or gym showers made me laugh! I have been so out of the blog scene (if I am part of one, that is...not sure if I have that many readers). Anyway, Jake went back to school today, so I am hoping to get back to refurbishing my blog.
Oh yes - the exciting lives we lead, right? :-).
Blissful - what a lovely word - I like that....
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