03 November 2009

Another less than stellar parenting tip ;-)

I, first, have to disclaim this post by saying that I have spent a lifetime as a physically fit individual (sometimes fanatically so) - I was vegan for a long time - I always buy organic and cook fresh food - and, while I condone physical exploration and some risk-taking in my little ones (learn your boundaries), I am a germaphobe as well as a safety freak...

OK - so... after a day of FANTASTIC school conferences (our kindergartner'e teacher just loves him and his intense interest in nature and animals and is astounded by his improvement in letter recognition, writing his name, etc. - our 8th grader is on her way to becoming a great writer and has Honor Roll grades - our three year old is making friends and adjusting to his classroom), my hubby went to work, my middle schooler went to lunch with friends, and I was left with the three little ones who begged for (in this order) - Fast Food, Blue Slide Park and a trip to Trader Joe's for balloons, so... we did it all...

Had a big french fry-ish, sloppy fast food lunch, took cardboard "sleds" recklessly down the big blue slide and had a marginally successful trip to Trader Joe's (managed to get stuff for dinner, but... focused more on our acquisition of apple juice, peanut butter cups and popcorn instead of other veggies or proteins). I would have topped the day letting them play Wii while I watched some Bravo or BBC reruns, but... the Wii is acting up, so... it was the recent Monsters and Aliens Halloween special, which they wanted to watch over and over.

I liked today. Sometimes ... you just have to "go with the flow"...

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