... yesterday, my 20 mo. old, wearing her puffy green bloomers and a little pink top- knot bow in her hair, served me and my 3 yr old "tea" (water from her water table) from a little pink plastic teapot (poured into our little plastic cups). Her brother (the 3 year old) really thought it was funny. I thought it was so sweet... my initial reaction was to grab the camera, but... did not want to ruin the moment. She walked so deliberately and carefully across the brick patio in her LL Bean flip flops - our tomato plants, beans, peas and flowers behind her - everything so green, vine-covered, dewey and pretty. She was just perfect - even stopped to pick up a seeded dandelion and blow on it. Her chubby face looked so serious, and she was clearly so proud. Just a nice moment in a hectic week ...